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What is Networking?

1. a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and
    groups having a common interest.

2. a socioeconomic activity by which groups of like-minded business-people
    recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities.

1. You can be afforded an opportunity not yet advertised therefore reducing the
    competition significantly.
2. A job may be specifically created for you based on an employer’s requirement.
3. You are in the enviable position of focussing attention on the qualities and
    strengths you possess.
4. Networking provides social contact and stimulation.
5. Rather than having to make a cold call or attend an interview with people who
    are unknown to you, you will have a referral that will make the process easier.
6. Openings are created for you to be opportunistic and flexible. You must actively
    listen to the communication that is going on around you.
7. Networking is a two way process that can enable you to help others.
8. Networking is a proactive job search method.
9. Networking puts you in control, setting your own pace and course. It is less
    stressful than sifting through tons of advertisements and is far more productive
    over time.

1. While networking is a very effective technique one must always be aware of the
    possibility of indiscretion. Choose your contacts wisely and ensure that you
    maintain confidentiality at all times.
2. Networking can be a waiting game where you have to wait it out patiently for the
    right opportunity or the right contact to come available.

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